Debunking the Myths: Why Colonoscopies are so Important

Stefanie Menjivar, Revitalize Staff

If you just turned 45 your doctor might have mentioned it’s time to have your first colonoscopy. And you might be dreading it because you’ve probably heard a few horror stories and might already be cringing from the potential embarrassment.

We understand exactly how you feel. However, we want to ease your mind and set the record straight on colonoscopy myths and why colonoscopies are such a critical and life-saving screening worth all the fuss.

Myth #1: Colon cancer isn’t preventable

Colonoscopies are the most accurate screening method and the best way to detect and remove precancerous polyps. Almost all colorectal cancers begin as precancerous abnormal growth according to the CDC. The most effective way to reduce your risk is to get your screenings done as recommended by your physician.

Myth #2: Colonoscopies are painful, dangerous, and require downtime.

While the preparation is not exactly fun, the procedure itself takes only 15-30 minutes on average and you will be under sedation, so you won’t feel a thing. And you can resume normal activities the following day, as long as you ease back into eating heavier foods so you don’t upset your stomach. Colonoscopies are considered safe, and colon perforation risk is less than 1 in 1,000.

Myth #3: Colon cancer risk is low

1 in 20 Americans will be diagnosed with colon cancer in their lifetime and over half of colon cancer deaths are preventable with screening. Neither gender or race make much of a difference, as colon cancer remains one of the top leading causes of cancer deaths in the United States.

Myth #4: My doctor didn’t tell me I needed a colonoscopy so I must be okay

This is one of the most common reasons why people have not made an appointment for their first colonoscopy. Rather than wait for your doctor to remember, take a proactive approach and schedule the procedure in the month of your 45th birthday.