Managing Holiday Stress

By Shannon Jones, Revitalize Coach

Some people are delighted and excited about the holiday season, and some feel pressure and a bit of dread with the work to be done to prepare for the holidays. Wherever you fall on the scale, most of us are susceptible to holiday stress. Here are some practical strategies that can help keep you from being overwhelmed this season:

  • Be Realistic. Keep expectations for the season realistic, set goals that are reasonable. Before beginning a task, make a list and prioritize the important activities.
  • Say No. Recognize your own limitations, and don’t over-do it. There is no need to be at every social gathering or to create the perfect social event. Choose activities that enhance your holidays and say no to those that do not.
  • Learn to Delegate the Holiday Chores. It is not necessary to try to do everything by yourself. Ask for help from others.
  • Don’t Overspend. Know your budget and stay within your spending limit. Budgeting and respecting your financial limitations will reduce stress in the long run. Challenge yourself to think of creative gifts that cost less – it can be a rewarding challenge!
  • Plan Down Time. Take a time out. After completing a holiday task, take time to relax and make sure to get enough rest.
  • Remember To Eat Healthy And Drink Plenty Of Water. Don’t skip meals. Often we end up eating poorly through the holidays, and in order to save calories, we sometimes forgo the food that nourishes us. Be mindful during this time of year and allow yourself some holiday treats. Maintaining a healthy diet will help support your immune system, reduce fatigue, and fight illness.
  • Maintain Some Sort Of Exercise Routine. Try to find some time to be physically active each day. Just 10 minutes can get the heart pumping and help relieve some stress. Schedule your exercise early in the day. During the holidays our days get busy with extra to-dos and social events later in the day.
  • Do What You Love. Identify the particular parts you love about the holidays and include those in your plans. Be sure to take care of yourself!

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